I think that economic history needs to be re-inserted into the research and teaching agendas of economics departments and business schools. If you share my conviction, then I am keen to work with you.
The academic job market is tough. It is important that students are prepared. My goal as a supervisor is to ensure my students graduate with a collection of interesting papers, addressing important topics, that are clearly publishable in good journals.
I support my economic history PhD students to launch their careers by imparting the attitudes and skills necessary to succeed as a junior academic. This sometimes means helping them to develop a strong second field of interest besides economic history. And to help them think explicitly how their economic history research relates to that second field - how they can contribute to big economic questions using insights derived from historical enquiry.
Current PhD students
Malte Hinrichs (PhD Economics) Co-supervised with Alan Fernihough Fields: economic history, industrial revolution, Germany
Yibin Liu (PhD Economics) Co-supervised with John Turner Fields: financial history, financial crises, Hong Kong
Kyle Richmond (PhD Economics) As primary supervisor Second supervisors: Graham Brownlow and Stephen Billington Thesis topic: UK & Irish economic and demographic history Fields: economic history, innovation, productivity
Pallavi Singh (PhD Management) As second supervisor Primary supervisor: Michael Aldous Thesis topic: Indian business history Fields: business history, networks, religion